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How Brand Awareness Affects Perception

Brand awareness is the degree to which consumers in the marketplace are familiar with particular brands. Small businesses can find their products at a disadvantage compared with larger competitors' alternatives, which can be backed by millions of dollars in advertising. Brand awareness has a number of distinct effects on consumers' perception of different brands, and working to build brand awareness is crucial for small business success.                                                                     Perception of Quality Consumers have a tendency to expect highly advertised brands to offer higher quality products than generic products or brands they have not seen before. In grocery stores, for example, consumers are often presented with a mix of options for individual products, ranging from highly advertise...

Brand awareness

In this post, we will se what is Brand awareness , and be aware of it. Brand awareness refers to the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognise a brand. Brand awareness is a key consideration in consumer behavior, advertising management, brand management and strategy development. Importance Brand awareness is related to the functions of brand identities in consumers’ memory and can be measured by how well the consumers can identify the brand under various conditions. Brand awareness is also central to understanding the consumer purchase decision process. Strong brand awareness can be a predictor of brand success. It is an important measure of brand strength or brand equity and is also involved in customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and the customer's brand relationships. Brand awareness is a key indicator of a brand's market performance. Every year advertisers invest substantial sums of money attempting to improve a brand's overall awareness levels. ...